Alzheimer's by Dr Sandra Cabot Maximize

Alzheimer's by Dr Sandra Cabot

Each day, in every corner of the world, thousands of people are seeing their brains and their lives destroyed by Alzheimer’s disease. It’s a deadly epidemic that’s only getting worse. This is why Dr Sandra Cabot developed her

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Each day, in every corner of the world, thousands of people are seeing their brains and their lives destroyed by Alzheimer’s disease. It’s a deadly epidemic that’s only getting worse. This is why Dr Sandra Cabot developed her 4-Point Program designed to prevent and slow the progress of the brain damage caused by Alzheimer’s.

There are now approximately 170,000 Alzheimer’s victims in Australia alone—with an estimated 1,000 new patients a week being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of adult-onset dementia. In the U.S. the situation is even worse, with almost 1,000 people a day diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. In an average year the disease will kill some 100,000 Americans. These numbers are staggering, and they are also climbing steadily. But do not despair.

In Alzheimer’s: What you must know to protect your brain, which is based on Dr Cabot’s careful research and her 30 years of experience as a doctor, you’ll find new hope and many new options in your personal battle to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Learn about how Alzheimer’s affects the brain and how other medical problems may mimic its symptoms. Also, hear from an expert, the vital techniques to improve your memory.

You’ll take a tour of the normal brain and see how billions of neurones guide your body and your life. Then, learn what happens when Alzheimer’s strikes.
With Alzheimer’s, you forget all too soon the things you thought you could never forget.

Are you personally at risk for the disease? Take a test and find out—and then review some of the most common risk factors and learn how many of these risk factors can be neutralised.

There is no one medical or laboratory test that can pinpoint early Alzheimer’s with certainty, but Dr Cabot has researched the most effective tests and is sharing this information in a manner that is easy to read, and even easier to understand.
Diagnosing early-stage Alzheimer’s is like trekking deep forests with no map—it’s very easy to get lost. Dr.Cabot can put you on the right path, as she reveals the 10 common warning signs of Alzheimer’s.

The association between depression and the risk of dementia is discussed for the first time in a book.


With no current cure available for Alzheimer’s, this is essential reading for those who don’t want to leave the fate of their brain and their golden years to chance. For the first time in print, Dr Cabot explains her 4-Point Program for Stopping Alzheimer’s. She doesn’t accept the common medical belief that Alzheimer’s can never be prevented or slowed, and reveals how a few simple lifestyle changes are the stepping off point to a healthier brain.

Brain Boosting Foods & Recipes

The fattiest organ in the human body…what is it? The liver perhaps, or a kidney? No, it’s the brain, and this fatty organ is terribly fragile and vulnerable to damage from free radicals. What you put in your stomach has a huge effect on the health of your brain. Dr Cabot pulls no punches in providing a selection of foods guaranteed to tune-up and protect the vulnerable structures of the brain against the damage caused by Alzheimer’s dementia.
All of the recipes for meals, raw juices and shakes have brain-boosting and brain-protective potential.

Brain Booster Supplements

First, try powering your car engine with muddy water. Then, switch to a high-quality petrol. The improvement you’ll see is similar to the improvement that will take place in your brain when you start eating brain boosting foods, complemented by Dr Cabot’s selection of the most important brain-boosting supplements.

Brain Games

The final piece of Dr. Cabot’s 4-Point Program is mental stimulation, a definite Alzheimer’s antidote that can be practised any place, with anybody, and at any time. Learn simple brain exercises and games to strengthen you mind.


There are a number of possible advances in prescription drugs where Alzheimer’s is concerned. You’ll read about these, find out what medicines are currently being dispensed, which ones may follow, and how participating in a clinical trial may help you and let you help others.

Final Thoughts

Can Alzheimer’s disease be prevented? In many people it can. Can it's progression be slowed? Yes, again. Can some of the brain damage inflicted by Alzheimer’s be repaired? Very possibly, as we now have new research that shows that laboratory animals with Alzheimer’s dementia actually get better once the abnormal genes are switched off. We also know that it is possible to grow new brain cells and new connections between brain cells no matter how old you are. Dr. Cabot reviews the key points of her 4-Point Program for protecting the brain and shares her compassionate and practical tips on caring for loved ones who have the disease.

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Alzheimer's by Dr Sandra Cabot

Alzheimer's by Dr Sandra Cabot

Each day, in every corner of the world, thousands of people are seeing their brains and their lives destroyed by Alzheimer’s disease. It’s a deadly epidemic that’s only getting worse. This is why Dr Sandra Cabot developed her

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